Lesser known Clojure: reduce kv

In addition to commonly known reduce function Clojure has its specialized version called reduce-kv. This function is designed to work with associative collections (like map or vector). Here is its signature:

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Lesser known Clojure: keep, keep-indexed and map-indexed functions

I could safely say that map, reduce and filter are the most commonly used functions in Clojure (and probably other functional languages). Of course Clojure provides other useful functions that operate on collections that are not so popular and commonly known. Let’s look at some of them.

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Lesser known Clojure every-pred and some-fn functions

The common thing in functional programming is combining “smaller” functions into the bigger one (higher-order functions). The examples of such functions are every-pred and some-fn. Both those functions were added to Clojure in release 1.3.

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Lesser known Clojure: variants of threading macro

The threading macros (-> and ->>) provide easy to understand and read mechanism of sequential transformation of data in Clojure. I’m pretty sure that you know it, but for the sake of clarity I start this post with a recap.

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My Emacs configuration

Today I finally published my Emacs configuration to GitHub. You can read it here. I hope you will find some useful things there. Enjoy!

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